Multiple Choice

For questions that require a selection between alternatives, you should select this option. Example:

The screen for setting up a multiple choice question:

Use images: Enables the feature to display images with each or some of the choices.

Choices: Set up all your choices. For each choice, you can set the following:

Columns: The number of columns to display the choices. With many choices, more than one column will often look better. If more than one column is used, the choices will be displayed in this order (this example has 20 choices, displayed in 4 columns, alphabetically):

Allow multiple selections: If this feature is selected, the choices for this question will appear as "checkboxes", meaning each option can be turned on or off. If this feature is not selected, the options for this question will appear as "radio-buttons", meaning only one of the options can be selected at any time. Example:

Last choice has text field for other: Includes a text-field for entering "other", if none of the other choices apply. The text field is of size 10, with 255 character maximum. Example:

Selections required: This lets you control how many of the choices the respondent must answer (minimum selections). Set this to 3, and the respondent must select 3 or more options in the multiple choice question.

Allowed selections: controls how many choices the respondent may select (max selections).

Validation messages: lets you define what messages is given to the respondent if the requirements of minimum/maximum selections are not met.