ALIGN_CENTER - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Used to specify a center justified column.
ALIGN_LEFT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Used to specify a left justified column.
ALIGN_RIGHT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Used to specify a right justified column.
addTableListener(TableListener) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Adds a table listener to receive table events when the state of the table changes.


BOTTOM - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Used to display the filter bar at the bottom of the table.


COLUMN_CURRENCY - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Used to specify a currency based column (2).
COLUMN_DATE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Used to specify a date based column (3).
COLUMN_IP - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Used to specify a ip address based columns (4).
COLUMN_NUMBER - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Used to specify a number based column (1).
COLUMN_TEXT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Used to specify a text based column (0).
callJavaScript(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Calls a javascript function in the applet page.
com.objectplanet.gui - package com.objectplanet.gui
containsRow(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Checks if the table contains the specified row.
containsRow(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.TableData
Checks if the table data contains a specified row.
createArrayString(int[]) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Creates a separated string from the array.


DATA_LOADED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.TableEvent
The data finished loading event.
DESELECTED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.TableEvent
The de-selection event
DOUBLE_CLICK - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.TableEvent
The double-click selection event.
destroy() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Called when the applet is stopped and destroyed.
displayed - Variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Filter
Contains the currently displayed text in the filter field.


enabled - Variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Filter
Marks the filter as enabled.
exportData(int, int, char) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Opens a frame with a text area containing the visible data in CSV format (or any other separator you choose).
exportData(int, int, char, boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Opens a frame with a text area containing the visible data in CSV format (or any other separator you choose).


FILTER - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.TableEvent
The filtering event.
FILTER_ENDS_WITH - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Filter
FILTER_EQUALS - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Filter
FILTER_INCLUDES - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Filter
FILTER_LARGER - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Filter
FILTER_LARGER_EQUALS - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Filter
FILTER_LESS - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Filter
FILTER_LESS_EQUALS - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Filter
FILTER_NOT_EQUALS - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Filter
FILTER_NOT_INCLUDES - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Filter
FILTER_STARTS_WITH - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Filter
Filter - class com.objectplanet.gui.Filter.
This class is used for the filter values and operations.
Filter() - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.gui.Filter
filterOnLabel - Variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Filter
Forces filtering on label for equals and !


getAlternateRowBackground() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the alternate background color.
getAppletContext() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the applet context.
getCell(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets a cell object.
getCell(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.TableData
Gets the specified cell from the table.
getCellLabel(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the label of the cell as it appears in the table including formatting and pre-and postfix labels.
getCellNumber(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the number for a column that has specified it's data type as DATA_NUMBER.
getColumn(int, int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the row data for the specified column.
getColumn() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.TableEvent
Gets the column index.
getColumnAlignment(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the column alignment for the specified column.
getColumnCount() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Returns the number of columns in the table data.
getColumnCount() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.TableData
Returns the number of columns in the Ftable data.
getColumnTotal(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the total of all filtered rows for the specified column.
getColumnType(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Returns the type for the specified column
getColumnValues(int, int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the values of the displayed rows for the specified column.
getColumnWidth(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the width of the specified column
getDateFormatter(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the date formatter used for the specified column.
getDecimalCount(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the decimal count for the specified column.
getDefaultSortOrder(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the default sorting order for the specified column.
getDisplayedRows() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the index of the displayed (filtered) rows in the current sort order.
getDocumentBase() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the document base.
getExportData(char) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the rows and columns currently displayed in the tables scrollable view area.
getExportData(char, boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the rows and columns currently displayed in the tables scrollable view area.
getExportFrameIcon() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the export frame icon.
getFields() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.TableEvent
Gets the row fields.
getFilter(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the current filter for a column.
getFilterBarBackground() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the filter bar background color used when the filter field is inactive.
getFilterBarOnBackground() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the filter bar background color used when the filter field is active.
getFilterBarPosition() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the current position of the filter bar.
getFilterWildCard() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the current wildcard.
getFilteredRowCount() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Returns the number of rows currently displayed (filtered) in the table.
getFirstRowPosition() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Returns the position index of the first row displayed.
getFont(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the font used for the specified table component.
getFontColor(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the font color used for the specified table component.
getGridColor() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the row grid color.
getHeader() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the header fields.
getHeaderBackground(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the header background color.
getHeaderImage(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the image used in the specified header.
getHeaderLabel(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the specified header field.
getImage(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets an image used for the cell or column.
getImageName(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the image name.
getInitThread() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the initializer thread.
getInsets() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Returns the default insets of the table (3, 3, 2, 2).
getLastIndex() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Returns the index of the last row in the table.
getLastIndex() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.TableData
Returns the greates index of the rows.
getLastSelectedCell() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Returns the last selected cell/column.
getLastSelectedRow() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Returns the last selected row.
getLastSortedColumn() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the index of the last sorted column.
getMaxVisibleRowCount() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the number of rows that can be visible in the current viewport.
getMousePosition() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.TableEvent
Gets the mouse position within the component where the event originated.
getParameter(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the named parameter.
getParameterPrefix() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the applet parameter prefix.
getPostfix(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the postfix of the specified column.
getPreferredSize() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the preferred size of the table.
getPrefix(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the prefix of the specified column.
getRow(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
This method returns the fields of the specified row.
getRow(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.TableData
Gets the fields of the specified row.
getRowBackground(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the default row background color.
getRowCount() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Returns the number of rows in the table data.
getRowCount() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.TableData
Returns the number of rows in the table data.
getRowFont(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the font used for the specific row.
getRowForeground(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the foreground color for the specific row.
getRowIndex(Object) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Translates a row key to the index it is stored in.
getRowIndex(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Translates a row position to the index in TableData.
getRowIndex(Object) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.TableData
Translates a row key to the index it is stored in.
getRowIndex() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.TableEvent
Gets the row index.
getRowPos() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.TableEvent
Gets the row position.
getRowPosition(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the row position of the specified row.
getSelectedCell() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.TableEvent
Gets the cell that was selected.
getSelectedRows() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Returns the indexes of the selected rows.
getSelectionBackground() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the current background color of selected rows.
getSelectionCellBackground() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the current cell selection background color.
getSelectionForeground() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the current foreground color of selected rows.
getSelectionMode() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the current selection mode.
getSortOrder(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the current sorting order for the specified column.
getTableData() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the data of the table.
getThousandsDelimiter() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the current thousands delimiter used for formatted numbers.
getTooltip(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the specified tooltip label.
getTooltipBackground() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the tooltip background color.
getTooltipDelay(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the delay of the tootip labels.
getType() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.TableEvent
Gets the event type.
getURL(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets any URL assigned to the specified row or cell.
getURLTarget(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the url target for the specified cell.
getVersion() - Static method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Gets the version number.
gotoRow(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Scrolls to the row with the specified index.
gotoRowPosition(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Scrolls to the specified row position.


hasChangedSince(long) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.TableData
Checks if the table data has been changed since the specified time.


init() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
This method is called by the applet container (web browser) and reads the applet parameters and the data.
isAutomaticRepaintOn() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Checks if the automatic repaint flag is turned on.
isColumnCollapsable(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Checks if a column is set in collapsable mode.
isColumnCollapsed(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Checks if a column is collapsed.
isColumnOn(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Checks if the specified column is turned on.
isColumnStretchOn() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Checks if column stretch is on.
isDoubleBufferingOn() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Checks if double buffering is on.
isFilterBarOn() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Checks if the filter bar is turned on or off.
isFilterEnabled(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Checks if the specified filter field is enabled for editing.
isFilterOn(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Checks if the specified filter field is turned on.
isGridOn() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Checks if the row grid is on or off.
isHeaderOn() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Checks if the header is on or off.
isLabelCacheOn() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Checks if the label cache is turned on.
isMouseOverCellOn() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Checks if the mouseOverCellOn flag is turned on.
isProgressiveFilterOn() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Checks if progressive filtering is on.
isRowSelected(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Checks if the specified row is selected.
isSortingOn(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Checks if interactiv sorting is turned on for the specified column.
isTotalRowOn(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Checks if the total row is on for the specified column.


loadAppletParameters(Hashtable) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Loads the applet tag parameters into the parameters hashtable.
loadData(String, boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Loads the data into the table.
loadURLParameters(String, Hashtable) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Loads the parameters from the specified url.


next - Variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Filter
The next filter value within this filter expression.
number - Variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Filter
This field contains any numerical representation of the filter.


on - Variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Filter
Marks the filter as activated.
operator - Variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Filter
This is the operator for the filter match check.


paint(Graphics) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Paints the table component.
position - Variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Filter
The current caret position within the filter field.


RIGHT_CLICK - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.TableEvent
The right-click selection event.
removeAll() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Removes all the rows from the table data.
removeAll() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.TableData
Removes all the rows from the table data.
removeRow(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Removes the specified row from the table data.
removeRow(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.TableData
Removes the specified row from the table data.
removeTableListener(TableListener) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Removes the given table listener from the table.
resetAllRows() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Resets all row parameters such as fonts, foreground and background colors, cell images, URLs and URL targets
resetRow(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Resets parameters for the specified row.
run() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table.TableThread
Executes the thread code.


SCROLL - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.TableEvent
The row scrolling event.
SEARCH - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.TableEvent
The search event.
SELECTED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.TableEvent
The selection event
SELECT_MULTIPLE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Used to set the selection mode to multiple selection.
SELECT_NONE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Used to set the selection mode to no selection.
SELECT_SINGLE - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Used to set the selection mode to single selection.
SORT - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.TableEvent
The sorting event.
SORT_ASCENDING - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Used to sort a column in ascending order.
SORT_DESCENDING - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Used to sort a column in descending order.
SORT_UNSORTED - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Used to specify a column is not sorted.
selectRow(int, boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Selects the specified row in the table.
separator - Variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Filter
The separator used between filter labels on combination filters.
setAlternateRowBackground(Color, int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets alternating row backgrounds.
setAutomaticRepaintOn(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Turns on or off the automatic table repaint.
setCell(int, int, Object) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the value of a cell in the table.
setCell(int, int, Object) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.TableData
Sets the value of a cell in the table.
setColumnAlignment(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the column alignment.
setColumnCollapsable(int, boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets a column in collapsable mode.
setColumnCollapsed(int, boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Collapses the specified column.
setColumnCount(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the number of columns in the table.
setColumnOn(int, boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Turns a column on or off.
setColumnStretchOn(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Turns on column stretch.
setColumnType(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the columns to the specified type.
setColumnWidth(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the width of the specified column.
setDataParameterField(String, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets a field in the data parameter value.
setDateFormatter(int, DateFormat) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the date formatter used to format date columns.
setDecimalCount(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the decimal count for the specified column.
setDefaultSortOrder(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the default sorting order for the specified column.
setDoubleBufferingOn(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Turns on or off double buffering.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Enables or disables the component.
setExportFrameIcon(Image) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the export frame icon.
setFilter(int, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the current filter for a column.
setFilterBarBackground(Color) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the filter bar background color when the filter field is inactive.
setFilterBarOn(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Turns on or off the filter bar.
setFilterBarOnBackground(Color) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the filter bar background color when the filter field is active.
setFilterBarPosition(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the position of the filter bar.
setFilterEnabled(int, boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Enables or disables a filter field for filter input.
setFilterFields(Object[]) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the current filter fields without refiltering the table.
setFilterOn(int, boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Turns on the specified filter field, and filters the data.
setFilterValueSeparator(int, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the separator to use between filter values in combination filters.
setFilterWildCard(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the wildcard to be used when filtering data using the filter bar.
setFont(Font) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the default font to be used.
setFont(String, Font) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the named font.
setFontColor(String, Color) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the color used for the specified font.
setGridColor(Color) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the row grid color.
setGridOn(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Turns on or off the row grid.
setHeader(String[]) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the text of the table header.
setHeaderBackground(int, Color) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the header background color.
setHeaderImage(int, Image) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the image for the specified header field.
setHeaderLabel(int, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the specified header field.
setHeaderOn(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Turns the header on or off.
setImage(int, int, Image) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets an image to be used in a cell or column.
setLabelCacheOn(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Turns on or off the label cache for textual columns.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the locale to use when formatting numbers and currency columns.
setMouseOverCellOn(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Turns on or off display of hidden cells when the mouse moves over it (off by default).
setParameter(String, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets a parameter in the chart.
setParameterPrefix(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the applet parameter prefix.
setParameters(Hashtable) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the parameters found in the specified table.
setParentApplet(Applet) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the parent applet if this applet is used as a component in another applet.
setPostfix(int, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the postfix of the labels in the specified column.
setPreferredSize(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the preferred size of the table.
setPrefix(int, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the prefix of the labels in the specified column.
setProgressiveFilterOn(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Turns on progressive filtering.
setRow(int, Object[]) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets a row in the table at the specified row index.
setRow(int, Object, Object[]) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets a row in the table at the specified row index using the given key.
setRow(int, Object[]) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.TableData
Sets a row in the table at the specified row index.
setRow(int, Object, Object[]) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.TableData
Sets a row in the table at the specified row index keyed by the given key object.
setRowBackground(int, Color) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the background color of the rows.
setRowFont(int, Font) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the font used for the specific row.
setRowForeground(int, Color) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the row text color.
setSelectionBackground(Color) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the background color of selected rows.
setSelectionCellBackground(Color) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the cell selection background color.
setSelectionForeground(Color) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the foreground color of selected rows.
setSelectionMode(int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the selection mode.
setSortingOn(int, boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Turns on or off interactiv sorting for the specified column.
setTableData(TableData) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the data of the table.
setThousandsDelimiter(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the delimiter for use in the display of numbers.
setTooltip(String, String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the header tooltip label.
setTooltipBackground(Color) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the tooltip background color.
setTooltipDelay(String, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sets the delay of the tooltip labels.
setTotalRowOn(int, boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Turns on the total for individual columns.
showStatus(String) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Displays the status message.
sortColumn(int, int) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Sorts a column in either ascending or descending order.
start() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Called when the applet is started.
stop() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Called when the applet is stopped.


TABLE_ID_MASK - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.TableEvent
The table event ID
TOP - Static variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Used to display the filter bar at the top of the table.
Table - class com.objectplanet.gui.Table.
This class implements a table component where objects are organized into rows and columns.
Table() - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Creates a table with one column.
Table(int) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Creates a new table with the specified number of columns.
Table(TableData) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Creates a new table using the existing table data.
Table.TableThread - class com.objectplanet.gui.Table.TableThread.
This thread handles internal table stuff.
Table.TableThread(int) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.gui.Table.TableThread
Creates a new table thread.
TableData - class com.objectplanet.gui.TableData.
This class contains the data for the table component.
TableData(int) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.gui.TableData
Creates a new table data object with the specified number of columns.
TableEvent - class com.objectplanet.gui.TableEvent.
This class represents the different events generated by the table and sent to the table listeners.
TableEvent(Object, int) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.gui.TableEvent
Creates a new table event with the specified event type.
TableEvent(Object, int, Point) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.gui.TableEvent
Creates a new table event with the specified event type and mouse click position.
TableEvent(Object, int, int) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.gui.TableEvent
Creates a new table event.
TableEvent(Object, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.gui.TableEvent
Creates a new table event.
TableEvent(Object, Object[], int, int, int, int, Point) - Constructor for class com.objectplanet.gui.TableEvent
Creates a new table event.
TableListener - interface com.objectplanet.gui.TableListener.
This interface specifies the callback for a table event listener.
tableSelection(TableEvent) - Method in interface com.objectplanet.gui.TableListener
This is called when a cell in a row was selected or deselected.
toString() - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.TableEvent
Returns a string representation of the event.


update(Graphics) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Overridden to avoid flickering.
updateData(boolean) - Method in class com.objectplanet.gui.Table
Updates the table's data by loading the parameters from the url specified in the data parameter.


value - Variable in class com.objectplanet.gui.Filter
This contains the current filter value to check agains.